Campaign for Justice
Your contribution will help us to stand up for the rights of the underserved.
Please donate by October 31, 2021
Platinum Level
- Company or individual logo during all legal education outreach seminars
- Company or individual logo on marketing materials to promote legal education outreach seminars
- Company or individual logo displayed on the website
- Company or individual logo exposure in the newsletter
- Company or individual recognition in any annual report
- Opportunity to place a company or individual testimonial on the website and social media sites
Gold Level
- Company or individual logo during (3) legal education outreach seminars
- Company or individual logo on marketing materials to promote legal education outreach seminars
- Company or individual logo displayed on the website
- Company or individual logo exposure in the newsletter
- Company or individual recognition in any annual report
Silver Level
- Company or individual logo during (2) legal education outreach seminars
- Company or individual logo on marketing materials to promote legal education outreach seminars
- Company or individual logo displayed on the website
Bronze Level
- Company or individual logo on marketing materials to promote legal education outreach seminars
- Company or individual logo during (1) legal education outreach seminars
Additional Sponsorship Levels
MCLSC Board of Directors
Alexander C. Martin, Esq. Chairperson
Ben J. Piazza, Jr., Esq. Vice Chairperson
Glenda Haynes, Esq. Secretary
B. Wesley Curry, IV, Esq.
Robert Gibbs, Esq.
Ms. ReKeshia Granderson
Joe Hudson, Esq.
Ms. Connie Jones
Lauren Kelley , Esq.
Renee McBride Porter, Esq.
Anna K. Rush, Esq.
Ms. Earlene Singleton
Mr. Billy Spiller
Patrick Stubbs, Esq.
Matthew Thompson, Esq.
Joshua Tom, Esq
Valera J. Voller, Esq.
Mr. Arthur Walker
Rev. Carlos Wilson
Amid the uncertainty and disruption of the past year, Mississippi Center for Legal Services Corporation (MCLSC) has remained steadfast and unwavering in the commitment to
our core mission, “Equal Justice for the Underserved.”
Over the past four decades and across 43 Mississippi counties, MCLSC has handled thousands of cases and assisted many individuals and families through our publications, website, and video resources. In addition to individual casework, we continue to strive toward the shared goal of addressing the systematic and pervasive inequities confronting the most disadvantaged members of our communities.
When faced with the challenges of the COVID-19 and the Delta variant pandemic, our staff demonstrated resiliency and ingenuity in finding new ways to reach people in need through technology and social media. Now, as COVID-19 continues to compound and exacerbate the problems faced by low income individuals and families in Mississippi, our work is more important than ever. Legal Services staff will continue to tackle injustice in all its forms and serve our clients with zealous dedication and compassion. We need your help.
Choose Justice! The justice inequities continue for the more than 620,000 Mississippi residents living in poverty. Your gift will help ensure that there is protection from domestic violence and sexual assault, protection from foreclosures, protection from unscrupulous creditors, and competent representation in other civil legal matters. Your contribution will allow us to put in place and keep services and advocates who stand up for the rights of the underserved. We are committed to “Creating a Better Life for Others,” and you can help. Our Campaign for Justice corporate sponsorship form is enclosed for your review.
Please give. Thank you for your support.
Ben Piazza, Jr., Esq. Chair
Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law.
*Pursuant to 45 CFR 1610, MCLSC may not use the funds for any purpose prohibited by the LSC Act or for any purpose prohibited by or inconsistent with Section 504, unless specifically authorized by Section1610.4, 1610.6, or 1610.7.
Sam H. Buchanan, Jr., Esquire
Executive Director
601-545-2950, ext. 2616